Divest Dal stands for justice

In 2013, Divest Dal began as a campaign to divestment Dalhousie’s endowment from fossil fuels. In the early days we met with Dalhousie administration and communicated our demands:

  1. Freeze all investments in the top 200 fossil fuel companies

  2. Divest of all investments in the top 200 fossil fuel companies over 4 years

  3. Increase the transparency of the investment portfolio

In 2014 we drew record audiences to Board of Governors meetings four meetings in a row. This culminated in the board voting against divestment and against the will of students.

As the pandemic came, dal shut down and we took a hiatus and changed members. We’ve now been back since fall 2021 and staged a campout February 2022 for the BOG meeting, keep an eye out for future rad actions on campus surrounding BOG meeting dates!

Dalhousie’s current investment practices are failing students and failing to address climate change. The endowment, a fund meant to serve students is still invested in fracking companies, big polluters, oil majors, and habitual violators of environmental laws. This is unacceptable.

As environmental justice has taken a more central role in the lives of young people, Divest Dal strives to be a place for climate action. We will continue fighting for divestment until we are successful.


The Divest Dal campout in protest of inaction on fossil fuel divestment in February 2022.